Lecture announcement: Model-Based Fault Diagnosis

This April, the course “Model-Based Fault Diagnosis – A Linear Synthesis Framework using MATLAB” will be held by Andreas Varga at the FSD.

The lectures are held in the FSD seminar room MW 3618 during the following dates:

Week 1

  • April 4th: 09:00-13:00 (Wednesday)
  • April 6th: 09:00-12:00 (Friday)

Week 2

  • April 11th: 09:00-13:00 (Wednesday)
  • April 13th: 13:00-16:00 (Friday)

Week 3

  • April 18th: 09:00-13:00 (Wednesday)
  • April 20th: 13:00-16:00 (Friday)


Registration via Email required! Please send your name and enrolment number to Jorg Angelov.

Lecture announcement: Navigation and Data Fusion from 03/19/2018 to 03/23/2018

Auch in diesem Jahr bieten wir wieder das Blockseminar “Navigation und Datenfusion” am Lehrstuhl für Flugsystemdynamik an:

  • Vom 19.03.2018 bis 23.03.2018 jeweils von 08:30 bis 17:00
  • Ort: gate Garching, Konferenzraum A (Lichtenbergstr. 8, 85748 Garching)
  • Bei Ablegen einer mündlichen Prüfung zählt das Seminar als Ergänzungsfach.
  • Die Teilnahme ist für Studenten kostenlos.
  • Anmeldung per EMail mit Name und Matrikelnummer an Christopher Blum

Weitere Informationen zum Inhalt und Anmeldung finden Sie im angefügten Poster.

Guest Lecture Announcement: Prof. Joseph Z. Ben-Asher

Guest Lecture Announcement: Games in Aerospace – Homing Missile Guidance 

Joseph Z. Ben-Asher is professor in the department of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. He will give a lecture on “Games in Aerospace: Homing Missile Guidance” on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 from 11:00-12:00, MW 3618. The short description of the lecture is as follows:

The development of a homing missile guidance law against an intelligent adversary requires the solution to a differential game. First, we formulate a simple game to demonstrate the main ideas. Then we will formulate the deterministic homing guidance problem as a linear dynamic system with an indefinite quadratic performance criterion (LQ). This formulation allows the navigation ratio to be greater than three, which is obtained by the one sided linear-quadratic regulator and appears to be more realistic. However, this formulation does not allow for saturation in the actuators. A deterministic game allowing saturation is formulated and shown to be superior to the LQ guidance law, even though there is no control penalty. To improve the performance of the quadratic differential game solution in the presence of saturation, trajectory shaping feature is added.

Announcement: DLR Flight Test Program – Summer School 2017

TUM students have the opportunity to participate in this year’s DLR Summer School on Flight Testing, taking place September 18. – 22. 2017 in Braunschweig. Participation will be recognized as “Praktikum Flugversuchstechnik” (Flight Testing Lab) by TUM’s Institute of Flight System Dynamics.

Students will conduct flight tests with DLR Cessna 208B Grand Caravan and with TU Braunschweig Do 128-6 equipped with relevant sensors and online data visualization. Test pilots will fly the airplane. The technical content of the summer school will be similar to TUM FSD’s Flight Testing Lab.

The participation fees and travel expenses will be reimbursed by TUM FSD and DLR.

Application is open until August 6th 2017 (extended registration period!). Please contact Lukas Höhndorf with a list of relevant exams you have passed.

For further questions, contact Lukas Höhndorf.

Announcement: 2017_07_19_Plakat_DLR_Summer_School_2017

TUM Students Participate in Flight Testing Course at DLR

From Sept. 6th to Sept. 10th, 2016, eight students from TUM participated at an “Advanced Flight Testing Techniques” course at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR). Not only did DLR engineers, scientists and pilots share their experiences in flight testing, but the students also had the unique opportunity to conduct several test flights in DLR’s Cessna 208B Grand Caravan.
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Announcement: DLR Summer School – Flight Testing

TUM students have the opportunity to participate in this year’s DLR Summer School on Flight Testing, taking place Sept. 6-12 in Braunschweig. Participation will be recognized as “Praktikum Flugversuchstechnik” (Flight Testing Lab) by TUM’s Institute of Flight System Dynamics.

Students will conduct flight tests with DLR’s Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, equipped with relevant sensors and online data visualization. DLR test pilots will fly the airplane. The technical content of the summer school will be similar to TUM FSD’s Flight Testing Lab.

The participation fee of 250€ will be paid by TUM/FSD. Travel expenses up to 200€ will be reimbursed by DLR.

Application is open until July 31st. Please contact Lukas Höhndorf with a list of relevant exams you have passed.

For further questions, contact Lukas Höhndorf or Tim Fricke.