Forum Munich Aerospace Lecture – 29.06.23 – Jörg Hennemann – Lufthansa Group

Open Lecture, no registration required. Everyone is invited.
Thursday, 19. January 2023
17:30 – 19:00 Uhr
Campus Garching, MW1801
Hello everyone!
we are organizing a lecture with the company AutoFlightX about the topic “Road to Success via Proof of Concept Aircraft”. It is about the development of an eVTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft) and will take place in Garching (MW1801) on the 07.07.22 at 5:30 – 7 pm.
You can Click here for a short invitation video.
The talk is for free, signing up is not required. There will be bretzels and beer for everyone afterwards. So if you are interested, feel free to come by.
In case you want to join online, you can join via Zoom.
Zoom Link : AutoFlightX
Meeting-ID : 684 4906 8489
Passwort : 565633