Research Interests
- Flight Control
- Nonlinear Adaptive Control
- Modeling and Simulation
- Betreuung Vorlesung Nonlinear Adaptive Control: SS12
- Skripterstellung zur Vorlesung Nonlinear Adaptive Control
- Bierling T., Mühlegg M., Holzapfel F., Maier R.,
- “Reference Model Modification for Robust Performance Conservation of Model Reference Adaptive Controllers”, AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, Boston, 2013 (submitted for review)
- Bierling T., Höcht L., Merkl C., Holzapfel F., Maier R.,
- “Similarities of Hedging and L1 Adaptive Control”, CEAS EuroGNC Conference, Delft, 2013 (accepted)
- Bierling T., Höcht L., Holzapfel F., Maier R., Wildschek A.,
- “Comparative Analysis of MRAC Architectures in a Unified Framework”, AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, Toronto, 2010
- Geiser M., Xargay E., Hovakimyan N., Bierling T., Holzapfel F.,
- “L1 Adaptive Augmented Dynamic Inversion Controller for a High Agility UAV”, AIAA Guidance Navigation and Control Conference, Portland, 2011
- Baur S., Annaswamy A., Bierling T., Höcht L., Holzapfel F.,
- “Adaptive Control of a High Agility Model Airplane in the Presence of Severe Structural Damage and Failures”, CEAS: Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control, München, 2011
- Wang J., Bierling T., Höcht L., Holzapfel F., Klose S., Knoll A.,
- “Novel Dynamic Inversion Architecture Design for Quadrocopter Control,” CEAS: Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control, München 2011
- Achtelik M., Bierling T., Höcht L., Wang J., Holzapfel F.,
- “Adaptive Control of a Quadcopter in the Presence of large/complete Parameter Uncertainties,” AIAA infotech@Aerospace, 2011
- Wang J., Bierling T., Achtelik M., Höcht L., Holzapfel F., Zhao W., Go T.H.,
- “Singularity Free Dynamic Inversion Control of a Quadcopter,” AIAA infotech@Aerospace, 2011
Student Theses Supervised
Diploma Theses / Master Theses
- Schatz S., “Constrained adaption with steady-state and transient performance guarantees”, Master Thesis, November 2012
- Mühlegg M., “Development of Concurrent Learning Adaptive Path Controller for Generic Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, Diplomarbeit, Juni 2012
- Goldenberg F., “Design and Development of an Emergency Automatic Pilot for the Hydroptere”, Diplomarbeit, Februar 2011
- Baur S., “Simulation and Adaptive Control of a High Agaility Model Airplane in the Presence of Severe Structural Damage and Failures”, Diplomarbeit, December 2010
- Achtelik M., “Nonlinear and Adaptive Control of a Quadrocopter”, Diplomarbeit, July 2010
- Gmati A., “Comparative Study on FXLMS and Armarkov Algorithms for Active Vibration Control with Application to Satellites”, Diplomarbeit, December 2009
- Filippi M., “L1 Adaptive-Control and Model-Reference-Adaptive-Control: Simulation, Analysis, Evaluation”, Diplomarbeit, December 2009
- Surinowitsch S., “Model Based Development of an Adaptive Flight Controller with Focus on Safety Critical Software Development according to DO 178-B”, Diplomarbeit, December 2009
Semester Theses / Bachelor Theses
- Schatz S., “Quadcopter Rate, Attitude and Position Control – MRAC and Dynamic Inversion Approaches”, Bachelor Thesis, April 2012
- Geiser M., “L1 Adaptive Control of a High Agility UAV with a Large Number of Control Devices”, Semesterarbeit, Februar 2011
- Knoblauch M., “Adaptive Attitude Control of a Quadrocopter in the Presence of Input Saturation”, Semesterarbeit, November 2010
- Mühlegg M., “Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Approach with Background Learning Based Neural Network Adaptive Augmentation”, Semesterarbeit, September 2010
- Wei D. T., “Model Reference Adaptive Control for SISO-Systems”, Semesterarbeit, August 2010
- Raffler T., “Aufbau eines UAV-Erprobungsträgers für die Flugregelung, sowie Implementierung und Flugtests linearer Reglerstrukturen”, Semesterarbeit, December 2009