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If not, ignore.Vehicle Type Priority 1 (highest): *Please select an optioneVTOLFixed Wing AircraftMulticoptersAir ShipsHelicopterLauncherMissilesVehicle Type Priority 2: *Please select an optioneVTOLFixed Wing AircraftMulticoptersAir ShipsHelicopterLauncherMissilesVehicle Type Priority 3 (lowest): *Please select an optioneVTOLFixed Wing AircraftMulticoptersAir ShipsHelicopterLauncherMissilesTopic Priority 1 (highest): *TopicSystems Engineering / (Avionics / GNC) System ArchitecturesAir Vehicle / Configuration / (Sub-)System AnalysisCertification and SORACertification StrategiesElectric PowertrainseVTOL Economics & Operations / Network SimulationFlight Control: Assessment & ClearanceFlight Control: Autoflight & Trajectory ControlFlight Control: Control AllocationFlight Control: Controller ImplementationFlight Control: Parameter DesignFlight Control: Stability & RobustnessFlight TestGuidance: Automatic Take-off and LandingGuidance: Flight / Mission ManagementGuidance: Trajectory GenerationHandling QualitiesModeling & SimulationOperational Flight SafetyOperational Concepts / Procedures / ProcessesParameter Estimation / SysIDSafety AnalysisSensors Navigation & Data FusionSpecific Operational Risk AssessmentSystem AutomationDevelopment Processes and Tool / QualityTrajectory OptimizationVoting & MonitoringTopic Priority 2: *TopicSystems Engineering / (Avionics / GNC) System ArchitecturesAir Vehicle / Configuration / (Sub-)System AnalysisCertification and SORACertification StrategiesElectric PowertrainseVTOL Economics & Operations / Network SimulationFlight Control: Assessment & ClearanceFlight Control: Autoflight & Trajectory ControlFlight Control: Control AllocationFlight Control: Controller ImplementationFlight Control: Parameter DesignFlight Control: Stability & RobustnessFlight TestGuidance: Automatic Take-off and LandingGuidance: Flight / Mission ManagementGuidance: Trajectory GenerationHandling QualitiesModeling & SimulationOperational Flight SafetyOperational Concepts / Procedures / ProcessesParameter Estimation / SysIDSafety AnalysisSensors Navigation & Data FusionSpecific Operational Risk AssessmentSystem AutomationSystems Engineering / Development Processes and Tool / QualityTrajectory OptimizationVoting & MonitoringTopic Priority 3 (lowest): *TopicSystems Engineering / (Avionics / GNC) System ArchitecturesAir Vehicle / Configuration / (Sub-)System AnalysisCertification and SORACertification StrategiesElectric PowertrainseVTOL Economics & Operations / Network SimulationFlight Control: Assessment & ClearanceFlight Control: Autoflight & Trajectory ControlFlight Control: Control AllocationFlight Control: Controller ImplementationFlight Control: Parameter DesignFlight Control: Stability & RobustnessFlight TestGuidance: Automatic Take-off and LandingGuidance: Flight / Mission ManagementGuidance: Trajectory GenerationHandling QualitiesModeling & SimulationOperational Flight SafetyOperational Concepts / Procedures / ProcessesParameter Estimation / SysIDSafety AnalysisSensors Navigation & Data FusionSpecific Operational Risk AssessmentSystem AutomationSystems Engineering / Development Processes and Tool / QualityTrajectory OptimizationVoting & MonitoringFurther topicsType of work Priority 1 (highest): *TypeModeling (Simulink / Simscape)Function Implementation (Simulink / Stateflow)High Level Programming (MATLAB)High Level Programming (Python)Low Level Programming / Embedded Programming (C)Mechanical Design / CADElectrical Design / PCB DesignTheoretical Work / Mathematical Derivations / ProofsTheoretical Work – Literature StudiesConceptual WorkOrganizational WorkExperimental Work Mechanical - Testing / InstrumentationExperimental Work Electrical - Testing / InstrumentationEmbedded SystemsProcesses / PlanningType of work Priority 2: *TypeModeling (Simulink / Simscape)Function Implementation (Simulink / Stateflow)High Level Programming (MATLAB)High Level Programming (Python)Low Level Programming / Embedded Programming (C)Mechanical Design / CADElectrical Design / PCB DesignTheoretical Work / Mathematical Derivations / ProofsTheoretical Work – Literature StudiesConceptual WorkOrganizational WorkExperimental Work Mechanical - Testing / InstrumentationExperimental Work Electrical - Testing / InstrumentationEmbedded SystemsProcesses / PlanningType of work Priority 3 (lowest): *TypeModeling (Simulink / Simscape)Function Implementation (Simulink / Stateflow)High Level Programming (MATLAB)High Level Programming (Python)Low Level Programming / Embedded Programming (C)Mechanical Design / CADElectrical Design / PCB DesignTheoretical Work / Mathematical Derivations / ProofsTheoretical Work – Literature StudiesConceptual WorkOrganizational WorkExperimental Work Mechanical - Testing / InstrumentationExperimental Work Electrical - Testing / InstrumentationEmbedded SystemsProcesses / PlanningExperience LevelsBeginner = Usage in lecture or another course Intermediate = Usage in previous thesis or another project Advanced = Usage in multiple projects over some yearsExperience Level: MATLAB: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: Simulink: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: Stateflow: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: C/C++: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: CAD (CATIA, Inventor, etc.): *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: Embedded Hardware: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedExperience Level: Requirements Engineering: *Please select an optionNoneBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedPilot's License (Glider, PPL, etc.):YesNoBuilding & Flying Model Aircraft or UAVs:YesNoOther relevant tools you know and experiences you have:Please provide references to your previous thesis/projects:Relevant ModulesPlease state three modules you have participated in in your studies that are relevant to your chosen topic.Relevant Module 1 *Relevant Module 2 *Relevant Module 3 *Motivation Letter *Desired Starting date *End Date of desired completion period *SummaryPersonal Information Your name: {text-1}E-Mail Address: {email-1} (verify this is a valid or email)Program: {select-1}Citizenship: {radio-2}Are dual-use topics ok?: {radio-3} Type & Topic Vehicle Type ordered: {select-2} {select-3} {select-4} Topic ordered: {select-5}{select-9} {select-6} {select-7} Type of work: {select-8} {select-9} {select-10} Further topics: {text-2} Experience Levels: MATLAB: {select-11} Simulink: {select-12} Stateflow: {select-13} C/C++: {select-14} CAD: {select-15} Embedded Hardware: {select-16} Requirements Engineering: {select-17} Pilot's License: {radio-4} Building & Flying Model Aircaft/UAVs: {radio-5} Other relevant tool you know and experiences you have: {textarea-1} References to previous thesis and projects:{textarea-2} Relevant Modules.1. {text-3}2. {text-4}3. {text-5} Motivation Letter {textarea-3} Dates: Desired Start Date: {date-1}Desired Completion Date: {date-2}Consent *I hereby agree that my personal data will be processed and stored by the Institute of Flight System Dynamics for the purpose of finding a suitable thesis. The data will be deleted after 3 months.SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.