
Hannes Hofsäß
Institute of Flight System Dynamics
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 15
85748 Garching bei München
Room:MW3609 (floor plan)
Phone:+49 89 289 16067
Fax:+49 89 289 16058


H. Hofsäß, D. Braun and F. Holzapfel, "Counter Optimization-Based Validation of Flight Control System Monitoring", in AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum. [doi]
H. Hofsäß, S. Hosseini, J. Rhein, F. Holzapfel, "On the Design and Model-Based Validation of Flight Control System Automation for an Unmanned Coaxial Helicopter", in Software Engineering 2023 Workshops, Groher, Iris, Vogel, Thomas, Eds., Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., pp. 150-168. [doi]
R. He, H. Hofsäß, S. Zhang, F. Holzapfel, "Model-Based Design and Evaluation Approach of Redundant Electro-Mechanical Actuator Control Architecture for eVTOL", in Advances in Guidance, Navigation and Control. ICGNC 2022, Singapore: Springer, 2023. [doi]
H. Hofsäß, F. Holzapfel, "Analysis of Controller Errors in an Asynchronous, Redundant Flight Control System", in AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum.

Supervised Student Theses

T. Rupprecht, "Konzeptionelle Implementierung einer Monitoring Strategie für ein experimentelles Flugsteuerungssystem", Thesis, Technische Universität München, Garching, 2019.
M. M. Mansour, "Communication Architecture for Redundancy Management of a Flight Control System for a UAV", Thesis, Technische Universität München, Garching, 2019.
R. Fillbrandt, "Redundancy Management Implementation of a Flight Control System for an EVTOL Vehicle", Thesis, Technische Universität München, Garching, 2019.